New location! Now offering boarding and daycare.
225 N State College Blvd Anaheim, Ca 92806
This location is for boarding, daycare, board and trains, and some private lessons.
625 Columbia St Brea, Ca 92821​
This location is for our Sunday group classes.
2274 Fig Tree Dr Tustin, Ca 92780​
This location is for our Saturday group classes in Tustin.
Group Class added location: Tustin
Check out our Services Below

And so much more..
Falco Dog Training Orange County
"Human Training for your Dog" we focus on your needs to be successful with your dog.
In our training system we will help you choose the correct tool (collar, reward and leash for example) that will work for both you and your dog. We don't use only one type of collar or reward system. Every dog and human is unique and need to be trained as such.
Our Basic/Puppy course is six weeks long, one day a week… either on Sundays or Saturdays. The class is about an hour long and we keep our classes at about 8 students. We usually have more than one trainer. One to lead the class and the other to assist each client with their unique issue when necessary.
We are a reward based system but also teach you how to properly correct your dog when necessary. It is our philosophy that it is very important for a dog to know when he is doing good... but equally important, the dog must know when he is incorrect (just like children). However a correction must be correct in its use and pressure. Sometimes a correction is just a verbal correction and sometimes it may be a correction by using the leash and the collar. Again, each human/dog combination is unique and the tools might be different for each member of the family with the same dog.
Not sure what direction to go with your dog then give us a call!
Falco has been featured on several news and TV shows

Our instructors have years of experience training and instructing in their special areas. Each one is committed to the mission of Falco Dog Training: to educate and assist people in training their dogs, thereby improving the lives of dogs and their owners and families throughout Southern California.
Disclaimer: Falco Dog Training Orange County reserves The Right To Decline Services to any existing or prospective client. In addition, if a client is disruptive to class, hits dog, or any other nuisance that brings attention, Falco will remove student from the class, class fee's are non refundable. (this does not apply to overexcited dogs, dog issues, or dog behavior issues)